Maps and Directions
We are conveniently located in Tulsa, Drumright, Pryor, Bartlesville and Vinita, Oklahoma. Please use the zoom controls and map type selection features to toggle map placements and viewing options. Enter your address in the directions finder box to receive driving directions from Google Maps.
Tulsa Office
6585 S. Yale Ave., Suite 210
Tulsa, OK 74136
PHONE: 918.492.4822
We are between South 61st St. and South 71st St. off Yale Ave. in the William Building in Suite 210. The Saint Francis Professional complex is located east of Yale Ave. Turn east on 65th St. into the complex. Follow the signs for parking for the William Building. It is the first building on the right.
From North (Bartlesville): Go south on Highway 75 into Tulsa. Exit on I-44 going east. Exit on Yale Ave. and go south (right). Turn left on 65th St. into the Saint Francis Professional complex.
From Northeast (Vinita, Langley, Pryor, etc): Take I-44 west into Tulsa. Exit on Yale Ave. going south (left). Turn left into Saint Francis Professional Complex.
From Southwest (Henryetta, Okmulgee): Go north on Highway 75 towards Tulsa. Exit onto the Creek Turnpike going east toward Jenks. Exit on Yale Ave. and go north to 65th St. South. Turn right (east) into the Saint Francis Professional Complex.
From West (Cushing, Drumright, Bristow, Stillwater, etc): Take I-44 east into Tulsa. Exit on Yale Ave. and go south (right). Turn left on 65th St. into the Saint Francis Professional complex.

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